Below are datasets from our lab from most recent to oldest.

Differential Clustering of Missense Variation in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Cancer ModelArchive Deposition of AlphaFold Structures Generated in the Turner Lab.
Data Link:
Preprint Link:

We deeply sequenced the Neuro-2a cell line on a PacBio Revio sequencer (98x coverage)
Relevant Preprint:
Globus Link:
Code Link:

HT22 Genome, Epigenome, and Functional Genomics Characterization: In this project, we assess genomic, epigenomic, and functional genomic characteristics of the HT-22 Mouse Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Line including: Karyotype, Illumina short-read whole-genome sequencing, PacBio HiFi long-read whole-genome sequencing, Illumina PolyA RNA sequencing, PacBio Long-Read RNA Iso-Seq, Illumina ATAC-sequencing of HT-22 cell line, and Illumina Hi-C sequencing of HT-22 cell line.
We deposited the raw data at
The GitHub link for this project is at

1000G Variant Calls:
This is data from our publication on de novo variation in the 1000 Genomes Project.
The Globus endpoint is: “Turner Lab at WashU – DNV in 1000 Genomes Paper”, direct link: It includes:
- DeepVariant_by_family_VCF_files: VCF files called from Parabricks DeepVariant and genotyped with GLnexus of the 602 family trios.
- GATK_by_family_VCF_files: VCF files called from Parabricks Haplotypecaller GATK and genotyped with GLnexus of the 602 family trios
- Pedigree_file_from_KG_website: Pedigree file of the relationships between samples from the 1000 Genomes Project.
- SAMtools_tview_images_at_select_sites: tview images, as .txt files, of manually validated de novo mutation sites. The order of the tviews presented are always father, mother, child. Also included is tview_all_actual_sorted_with_filenames.txt, a tab delimited file that contains all the tviews chromosome, position, ref and alt allele, validation score, and sample.
- full_denovo_callset: A bgzipped .txt file that contains all called de novo mutations from our pipeline of the 602 trios.
- phasing_results: A bgzipped .txt file that contains the phasing results from Unfazed for all 602 trios.
- DeepVariant_Joint_Genotyped_Callset: A bgzipped and tabix indexed vcf file of joint-genotypes we generated with DeepVariant and GLnexus across the individuals in the 1000 Genomes
- Browser_Track_of_DNVs_for_UCSC_Genome_Browser: A bed file for uploading and visualizing in the UCSC Genome Browser.
Relevant GitHub Link:
Link to UCSC Genome Broswer TrackHub:

Specific versions of the reference genomes we used in our ACES paper are available on the Turner Lab Public Globus Endpoint:
Relevant GitHub Link:

denovo-db: This is a database of de novo variants
curated from the primary literature. It currently
contains >1 million de novo variants from >70,000
parent-child sequenced trios.
Data Link: