We are grateful for support from the following:


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)R01MH126933Noncoding mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders (PI: Turner, T.N.)
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human DevelopmentR03HD116062A Comprehensive De Novo Variant Callset for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program Birth Defect Data (PI: Turner, T.N.)
National Institute of Child Health 
and Human Development (NICHD)P50HD103525Washington University Intellectual and 
Developmental Disabilities Research 
Center (PI: Constantino J., Gurnett C.)
Simons FoundationSFARI Collaboration on Sex Differences
in Autism (Collaboration Director: 
Dougherty J.)


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)R00MH117165Nature and contribution of noncoding, 
regulatory mutations in neurodevelopmental 
disorders (PI: Turner, T.N.)
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)UM1HG008901New York Center for collaborative research in common 
disease genomics (PI: Maniatis, T.)
Pacific BiosciencesHuman Genetics 
SMRT GrantGrant funding the sequencing of one 
family with autism using Pacific Biosciences 
HiFi whole-genome sequencing technology 
(PI: Turner, T.N.)
NHGRI’s Genomic DataScience 
Analysis, Visualization, and 
Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL)AnVIL Cloud Credits 
Program (AC2)Grant funding our development of 
“A k-mer based approach to assess copy number in PacBio HiFi data.” 
(PI: Turner, T.N.)
McDonnell Center for Cellular 
and Molecular Neurobiology (PI: Turner, T.N.)