News from the Turner Lab

December 16, 2024Lab lunch and movie at the Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis. Happy Holidays!Gallery Link
Gallery Link
November 13-16, 2024Jeffrey Ng and Jack Ustanik presented posters at the “Biological Data Science” meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.CSHL Link
November 12, 2024Dr. Turner presented “Unlocking the Power of Precision Genomics in the Cloud” at the 2024 AnVIL Conference at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.AnVIL Link
YouTube Link
November 10, 202411-7-2024 RIS HPC Newsletter. Our lab was highlighted in article “Exploring Frontiers with Computational Power”RIS Link
Twitter Link
October 26, 2024Dr. Turner and Dr. Sarah Ackerman interacted with 76 people at the 2024 Midbrains Midwest Regional #Neuroscience Conference! They handed out lots of WashU swag & were excited about the interest participants had in the WashU postbacc & WashU DBBS graduate programs.Twitter Link
October 8, 2024denovo-db is now available on @ZENODO_ORG! The new version of denovo-db contains >1 million de novo variants from published data on >70,000 individuals.Zenodo Link
Twitter Link
September 25, 2024An update on the EGP mitochondrial genome tool: A dedicated results page has been added to the GitHub repository, providing links to EGP results generated from publicly available whole-genome sequencing datasets. You can view the results page at the link.GitHub Link
September 9, 2024Today is 9p Minus Day. Learn more about our research
on 9p Minus Syndrome (also known as 9p Deletion Syndrome) in the video at the link.
Video Link
September 4, 2024Celebrated our Paper #8 today “HAT: de novo variant calling for highly accurate short-read and long-read sequencing data”Journal Link
Twitter Link
August 28, 2024Katie Lyons and Yu Liu begin their rotations in our lab!Twitter Link
August 22, 2024WashU undergraduate Isabelle Wang presented her poster on 9p Deletion and Duplication Syndromes at today’s poster session for incoming @WUSTLdbbs graduate students! Awesome work, Isabelle!Twitter Link
August 3, 2024This past week, WashU undergraduate Sandro Xiao presented “Phasing De Novo Variation in Autism Long Read Sequencing Data” at the Summer OGR & SOAR Symposium! He is developing a long-read de novo variant phaser in our lab.Twitter Link
August 1, 2024Today, we received an R03 grant from NICHD to apply our computational methods to generate a comprehensive nuclear & mitochondrial genome de novo variant callset for Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program!NIH Reporter Link
Twitter Link
July 31, 2024Sandro Xiao from our lab presented “Phasing De Novo Variation in Autism Long Read Sequencing Data” at the Summer OGR & SOAR Symposium!Twitter Link
June 28, 2024Summer Lab Outing at Six FlagsTwitter Link
April 3, 2024Lab goes out to lunch to celebrate Jeff and Juana’s birthdays!Twitter Link
March 8, 2024Dr. Turner presents at the Baylor College of Medicine Long Read Seminar Series.Twitter Link
February 4, 2024Our preprint “Proteome-Wide Assessment of Clustering of Missense Variants in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Versus Cancer” is now on medRxiv!medRxiv Link
January 23, 2024The Genetics Department highlighted our new paper on HAT.Genetics Department Link
January 4, 2024Our paper “HAT: de novo variant calling for highly accurate short-read and long-read sequencing data” is out now in Bioinformatics!Bioinformatics Link
December 15, 2023Lab attends the Genetics Department Holiday PartyTwitter Link
November 22, 2023Dr. Turner’s Perspective Piece “How long-read sequencing will transform neuroscience” is out now in The TransmitterThe Transmitter Link
November 1-5, 2023Lab attends ASHG 2023Twitter Link
October 13, 2023Dr. Turner interview in “ASHG Spotlight: Equity in early career research”HGG Advances Link
September 20, 2023Today, the lab went to AED training at WashU. Way to go, lab!Twitter Link
September 15, 2023WashU night at the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball GameTwitter Link
September 9, 2023Today is 9p Minus DayTwitter Link
September 8, 2023Lab outing to the Endangered Wolf Center in St. Louis!Twitter Link
September 2, 2023Our paper “Acorn: an R package for de novo variant analysis” is out now in BMC Bioinformatics!BMC Bioinformatics Website
August 31, 2023Year 4 of the lab is complete. Starting year 5.Twitter Link
August 24, 2023The lab is heading to #ASHG23 this year. Congratulations lab members on presentations; 3 posters, 1 talk! Check out our research on noncoding regions in autism, long-read sequencing, cell line characterization & 9p minus syndromeTwitter Link
August 7 to 11, 2023Dr. Turner designed and taught the “Noncoding, Regulatory Regions in the Human Genome” section of the Immersion program for entering graduate students at WashUTwitter Link
June 11, 2023Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Sex-Based Analysis of De Novo Variants in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” at the European Society of Human Genetics Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.ESHG Link
June 7, 2023Our preprint “High Coverage Highly Accurate Long-Read Sequencing of a Mouse Neuronal Cell Line Using the PacBio Revio Sequencer” is now on bioRxiv.bioRxiv Link
June 1, 2023We were highlighted in the “SFARI Sex Differences Collaborations gather to share their progress” article.SFARI Link
May 25, 2023Today, we released several lab specific protocols on our website.Website Link
May 11, 2023We celebrated Laura Metz Birthday today!Twitter Link
May 3, 2023Dr. Turner presents an invited virtual talk “Precision Genomics in Neurodevelopmental Disorders”  at the Mount Sinai Seaver Autism Center Seminar Series,Twitter Link
April 28, 2023We celebrated Hillary Heins Birthday today!Twitter Link
April 28, 2023A celebration of the end of an era. The very first person to join @TNTurnerLab was undergraduate Stephanie Sarkar. Today, we celebrated her time (4 years) in the lab and her upcoming graduation from Washington University in St. Louis. Congratulations Stephanie!Twitter Link
April 27, 2023We celebrated our paper #6 “de novo variant calling identifies cancer mutation signatures in the 1000 Genomes Project” today!Twitter Link
April 25, 2023Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Precision Genomics in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” at the UT Southwestern O’Donnell Brain Institute.Twitter Link
April 12, 2023Our preprint “acorn: an R package for de novo variant analysis” is now on bioRxiv.bioRxiv Link
April 2, 2023Today, we released code and documentation for our HT-22 cell line project on our GitHub.GitHub Link
March 30, 2023Today, we released ATAC-seq and Hi-C for the HT-22 cell line at our BioProject PRJNA938057.NCBI Link
March 14, 2023Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Precision Genomics in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” at the Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center at Boston Children’s Hospital.Twitter Link
March 5, 2023Today, we released additional datasets for the HT-22 cell line at our BioProject PRJNA938057. These include short-read Illumina whole-genome sequencing data, PolyA bulk RNAseq data, and long-read PacBio IsoSeq data.NCBI Link
March 3, 2023Today, we released long-read PacBio whole-genome sequencing data for the HT-22 cell line at our BioProject PRJNA938057.NCBI Link
February 17, 2023Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Precision Genomics in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” at the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics & Department of Genetics and Biochemistry.Twitter Link
January 28, 2023Our preprint “HAT: de novo variant calling for highly accurate short-read and long-read sequencing data” is now on bioRxiv.bioRxiv Link
December 19, 2022Dr. Turner is a 40 under 40 rising star in Spectrum “Chronicle of a field retold: Autism science in profile”Spectrum Link
December 9, 2022Today was our winter outing at Maggiano’s for Lunch and Bowling at Tropicana Lanes.Twitter Link
November 10, 2022Dr. Turner gives an invited talk “Precision Genomics as a key component for the future of Precision Medicine” at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Biological Data Science Meeting.  CSHL Link
November 3, 2022NVIDIA highlights our recent work on de novo variant calling with GPUs in their NVIDIA Developer Technical Blog.  NVIDIA Link
October 27, 2022Our lab releases a new R package (acorn) for assessing de novo variants.GitHub Link
October 24, 2022Our  lab releases a free version of HARE (our GPU-accelerated de novo variant caller) that utilizes the newly available free version of NVIDIA Parabricks.  GitHub Link
October 3, 2022New staff members as of this week are Juana Manuel, Research Assistant and Hillary Heins, Research Specialist. Welcome to the @TNTurnerLab!Twitter Link
September 28, 2022Evin Padhi defends his thesis and is the first Ph.D. graduate of the Turner Lab.Website Link
August 18, 2022Dr. Turner is a co-author on new publication from SPARK “Integrating de novo and inherited variants in 42,607 autism cases identifies mutations in new moderate-risk genes” in Nature GeneticsPubmed Link
August 14- 19, 2022Dr. Turner designed and taught the “Noncoding, Regulatory Regions in the Human Genome” section of the Immersion program for entering graduate students at WashUInitial Twitter Link Twitter Day 1 Link Twitter Day 2 Link Twitter Day 3 Link Twitter Day 4 Link Twitter Day 5 Link  
July 1, 2022Dr. Turner received first R01 grant today from NIMH entitled “Noncoding mutations in neurodevelopmental disordersNIH Grant Website
June 30, 2022Dr. Turner and post-bac Titilope Akinwe are authors on a new paper from the Gutmann laboratory entitled “Neurofibromatosis-1 Gene Mutational Profiles Differ Between Syndromic Disease and Sporadic Cancers” published in the journal Neurology Genetics.Journal Website
June 16, 2022Lunch celebration @MissionTacoSTL for Titilope Akinwe as she will be moving on to graduate school here at WashU and leaving our lab. Congratulations and Best Wishes!Twitter Link
June 14, 2022Lab Outing to St. Louis Cardinals Baseball GameTwitter Link
June 9, 2022The book “The Neuroscience of Autism” is out now! Check out the chapter on “Genetics and Genomics” Authors: Dr. Caitlin Hudac, Nicole Friedman, and Dr.Tychele Turner.Book Website
May 31, 2022Dr. Turner is a co-author on a publication “Ancestry adjustment improves genome-wide estimates of regional intolerance” in the journal GeneticsPubmed Link
May 14, 2022Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Precision Genomics in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Empowered by the New Era of Long-Read Sequencing” at the International Society for Autism Research Conference in Austin, TexasMeeting Website
May 11, 2022Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Long-read sequencing as part of the pathway to precision genomics for precision medicine” at the PacBio Discoveries Roadshow in Houston, TexasMeeting Website
May 10, 2022Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Long-read sequencing as part of the pathway to precision genomics for precision medicine” at the PacBio Discoveries Roadshow in Chicago, IllinoisMeeting Website
May 2, 2022Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Long-read sequencing as part of the pathway to precision genomics for precision medicine” at the PacBio Discoveries Roadshow in Columbus, OhioMeeting Website
April 20, 2022Eleanor Sams presents a poster entitled “Computational Modeling and Precision Genomics in CNV Disorders” at the Undergraduate SymposiumPoster Website
April 7, 2022Dr. Turner presents an invited talk “Long-Read Sequencing as Part of the Pathway to Precision Genomics for Precision Medicine” at the “Unlocking The Genome With Long-Read Sequencing In Genetic Disease Research” on-demand webinarPacBio website
April 2, 2022Our lab paper “Germline mosaicism of a missense variant in KCNC2 in a multiplex family with autism and epilepsy characterized by long-read sequencing” is out now in the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part AAJMG Website
April 1, 2022The “Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Second Edition” is out now! Check out the chapter on “Genetics and Genomics” Authors: Dr. Tychele Turner and Dr. Evan EichlerTextbook Website
March 31, 2022Celebration of graduate school admissions of Eleanor Sams and Titilope AkinweTwitter Website
March 31, 2022Celebrated our Paper #4 today “From karyotypes to precision genomics in 9p deletion and duplication syndromes”Twitter Website
March 8, 2022Dr. Turner presents invited talk “Precision Genomics in Neuropsychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Empowered by the New Era of Long-Read Sequencing” at the Molecular Psychiatry Association Meeting in MauiMPA 2022 Website
February 11, 2022Dr. Turner is quoted in the Spectrum news article “Searching for the biology behind autism’s sex bias”Spectrum News Website
February 3, 2022Dr. Turner presents invited talk “On a Pathway to Precision Genomics for Precision Medicine.” Washington University in St. Louis Vision Science Seminar Series.Vision Science Website
January 12, 2022Dr. Turner is a co-author on paper “The Mutationathon highlights the importance of reaching standardization in estimates of pedigree-based germline mutation rates” in ElifePubmed Link
January 8, 2022Final published version online now for lab paper “From Karyotypes to Precision Genomics in 9p Deletion and Duplication Syndromes”HGG Advances Website
December 24, 2021Journal Pre-Proof online now for lab paper “From Karyotypes to Precision Genomics in 9p Deletion and Duplication Syndromes”HGG Advances Website
December 10, 2021Winter Lab Outing to Union Station 
October 20, 2021Dr. Turner presents “Human Genomics in the New Era of Long-Read Sequencing” at the American Society of Human Genetics Conference!ASHG Meeting Website
October 18 and 19, 2021Eleanor Sams, Evin Padhi, and Jeffrey Ng from the Turner Lab present at the American Society of Human Genetics Conference! Eleanor Sams:
“Building a predictive matrix model for autism genotype-phenotype associations” Monday, October 18th 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT PrgmNr 2661 Poster Session B Evin Padhi:
“Computational and functional characterization of the hs737 enhancer in autism” Tuesday, October 19th 6:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. EDT Session Number 20 Jeffrey Ng:
de novo variant calling identifies cancer mutation profiles in the 1000 Genomes Project” Monday, October 18th 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT PrgmNr 2660 Poster Session B
ASHG Meeting Website
October 12, 2021Turner Lab publishes lab paper today. The paper entitled “ACES: Analysis of Conservation with an Extensive list of Species” was published in Bioinformatics!Bioinformatics Article Link
October 6, 2021Dr. Turner is a co-author on a publication “Single-cell epigenomics reveals mechanisms of human cortical development” in NaturePubmed Link
September 27, 2021Stephanie Sarkar presents “Optimized de novo variant calling in family trios using GPUs” Poster Presentation at WashU Undergrad Research Week 2021!WashU Website
September 27, 2021Eleanor Sams presents “Genomic Characterization of 9p Deletion and Duplication Syndromes” Video Poster Presentation at WashU Undergrad Research Week 2021!WashU Website
September 16, 2021Dr. Turner is a co-author on a publication “Genetic counseling as preventive intervention: toward individual specification of transgenerational autism risk” in the Journal of Neurodevelopmental DisordersPubmed Link
July 23, 2021Dr. Turner is a co-author on a publication “Differences in the number of de novo mutations between individuals are due to small family-specific effects and stochasticity” in the journal Genome ResearchPubmed Link
July 21, 2021Dr. Turner is a co-author on a publication “Altered neuronal physiology, development, and function associated with a common chromosome 15 duplication involving CHRNA7” in the journal BMC BiologyPubmed Link
July 13, 2021Turner Lab publishes lab paper today! The paper entitled “Coding and noncoding variants in EBF3 are involved in HADDS and simplex autism” was published in Human Genomics.Human Genomics Article Link
June 8, 2021Summer Lab Outing 
May 26, 2021Dr. Turner presents “Human Genomics in the New Era of Long-Read Sequencing” at the SMRT Leiden 2021 Young Investigator Virtual Conference.PacBio Website
May 17, 2021WashU undergraduate student Ani Kesanapally joins the lab! 
May 4, 2021Dr. Turner presents “Identification and characterization of noncoding de novo variants in autism” at The International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2021 conference.INSAR Website
April 20, 2021Dr. Turner presents “Application of Long-read Sequencing in Human Genetics” at LabRoots Genetics Virtual Week 2021LabRoots Website
April 19, 2021Titilope Akinwe presents a poster entitled “CLUMP Analysis of Missense Mutations in the Context of Neurodevelopmental Disorders” at the National Human Genome Research Institute ConferenceMeeting Website
April 12, 2021Dr. Turner presents “Toward a One-Hour Genomic Workup” at NVIDIA GTC 2021 ConferenceNVIDIA Website
April 6, 2021Eleanor Sams is a 2021 BioSURF Award RecipientWUSTL Website
April 1, 2021Laura Metz joins the Turner lab as our lab manager!Turner Lab Website
March 26, 2021Dr. Turner is an author on a new paper from the Gutmann laboratory entitled “Familial Lipomas Without Classic Neurofibromatosis-1 Caused by a Missense Germline NF1 Mutation” published in the journal Neurology Genetics.PubMed Link
March 1, 2021At the AGBT 2021 conference Jeffrey Ng presented a poster on a fast workflow to call de novo variants using GPU.AGBT Conference Link
March 1, 2021At the AGBT 2021 conference Zachary Payne presented a poster on a new reference genome for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii built using PacBio HiFi and Oxford Nanopore reads.AGBT Conference Link
January 11, 2021Dr. Turner is co-corresponding author on a paper in Scientific Reports, “Thousands of high-quality sequencing samples fail to show meaningful correlation between 5S and 45S ribosomal DNA arrays in humans.”Pubmed Link
January 7, 2021Dr. Turner is an author on a new paper from the laboratory of Dr. Gabe Haller. The paper “Rare and de novo coding variants in chromodomain genes in Chiari I malformation” was published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.Pubmed Link
January 1, 2021Bioinformatic Research Analyst Elvisa Mehinovic joins the lab!Turner Lab Website
December 1-3, 2020Undergraduate student Eleanor Sams presents a Video Poster Presentation “Predicting Autism Phenotypic Outcomes Based On Genotypic Information” at the WashU undergraduate symposiumWashU Undergraduate Symposium Website
November 30, 2020Graduate student Evin Padhi gives a platform talk entitled “Analysis of 10,000 genomes identifies two enhancers with a significant excess of de novo variants in autism.” at the American Society of Human Genetics 2020 meeting.ASHG meeting website
October 19, 2020Dr. Turner gives an invited seminar at the New York Genome Center Neuropsychiatric Disease Working Group Evening LectureNYGC Website
September 14, 2020WashU graduate student Dan Western begins a rotation in the lab!Turner Lab Website
September 8, 2020Titilope Akinwe joins the lab. Welcome!Turner Lab Website
June 15, 2020Turner Lab publishes first lab paper today led by Jeffrey Ng and Eleanor Sams. The paper entitled “Precise Breakpoint Detection in a Patient With 9p- Syndrome” was published in the Pediatric Genetics special issue of Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies.Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies Website
May 7, 2020Zachary Payne joins the lab and will be co-mentored by Dr. Susan Dutcher!Turner Lab Website
May 7, 2020Dr. Turner joins the editorial board of Genome ResearchGenome Research Link
April 13, 2020WashU graduate student Yoonhoo Chang begins a rotation in the Turner lab! 
March 25, 2020SPARK webinar by Dr. Tychele Turner, “Sex Bias and the Genetics of Autism”SPARK link
March 23, 2020WashU graduate student Zachary Payne begins a rotation in the Turner and Dutcher labs! 
February 17, 2020Evin Padhi joins the lab as the first graduate student!Turner Lab Website
February 6, 2020First lab lunch outingTwitter Link
February 4, 2020The lab received the Human Genetics SMRT Grant today from Pacific BiosciencesPacific Biosciences Link
January 17, 2020WashU graduate student Evin Padhi begins a rotation in the lab!Turner Lab Website
January 13, 2020WashU undergaduate Eleanor Sams joins the lab!Turner Lab Website
January 9, 2020Spectrum highlights our American Journal of Human Genetics paperSpectrum Link
December 3, 2019The American Society of Human Genetics Inside AJHG chat about our recent paperASHG Link
December 1, 2019Bioinformatic Research Analyst Jeffrey Ng joins the lab!Turner Lab Website
November 27, 2019Our paper entitled “Sex-Based Analysis of De Novo Variants in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” is published in the American Journal of Human GeneticsAJHG Link
November 18, 2019Dr. Turner gives an invited seminar at the Washington University Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research CenterIDDRC Link
November 12, 2019WashU undergraduate Stephanie Sarkar joins the lab!Turner Lab Website
October 16, 2019Dr. Turner and Dr. Sumantra Chatterjee (New York University) moderate their invited session at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting in Houston, Texas. Dr. Turner also presents recent work in the genetics of autism.Twitter Link
September 24, 2019Our Early Career Investigator Commentary is online now in Biological PsychiatryBiological Psychiatry Link
September 1, 2019Turner Lab OpensTwitter Link
August 26, 2019The lab receives R00 funding from the National Institute of Mental Health. This is the next phase of Dr. Turner’s K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award.WashU Genetics Link
January 7, 2019Turner Lab to Open at Washington University School of Medicine in Fall 2019WashU Genetics Link