Karyotype Preparation: This protocol is the one we use to prepare cells for karyotype assessment at the Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratory at Washington University in St. Louis.

HMW DNA Extraction Using the Zymo HMW MagBead Kit: This protocol is the one we use to get High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA from cells. It produces high quality HMW DNA suitable for highly accurate long-read sequencing.

DNA Extraction Using the Maxwell RSC Cultured Cells DNA Kit: This protocol is the one we use to get standard genomic DNA from cells. It produces high quality DNA for short-read sequencing.

RNA Extraction Using the Maxwell RSC simplyRNA Cells Kit: This protocol we use to get RNA from cells. It produces high quality RNA suitable for both short-read and long-read sequencing.

Hi-C using Arima Kit: This protocol is the one we use to perform Hi-C.

Reviving Frozen Cells: This protocol is the one we use to revive frozen cells.

sageHLS CATCH in cultured HEK293 cells: This protocol is the one we use to capture specific regions of the genome for targeted sequencing.